22 Feb

What is Expert Chat Software? How to Use Expert Chat Service

Expert chat software is a proprietary cloud chat service powered by Chatwing that enables select users to have a discussion amongst each other while an audience can view along.

Similar to a radio interview, podcast or television discussion where people are talking amongst each other while an audience listens or views along, expert chat mode is the same concept in a virtual environment

Similar to a radio interview, podcast or television discussion where people are talking amongst each other while an audience listens or views along, expert chat mode is the same concept in a virtual environment

expert chat software

We have seen expert chat be used by celebrities chatting with each other while their fans follow along, Chat software allows communities to drastically increase social engagement.

Popular bloggers embed the expert chat widget into their website and use Expert mode to discuss in front of their users.

University professors use expert chat to discuss relevant subjects while students read along. Expert chat has been a popular learning tool for teachers to expand upon across classes and departmenrs.

The various expert chat use cases continue to grow and be used for unique virtual discussions.

expert chat is a premium chatWING powered service

Please reach out and contact Chatwing to let us know questions about expert chat service or how you plan on or have been using it to communicate in front of your audience.