23 Mar

Setup Chatbox & Chatroom Facebook Login Authentication

Since Chatwing has received 1000’s of inquiries over the last days from webmasters regarding the Facebook data freakout and how it affects their website chatroom and chatbox we can assure all Chatwing webmasters and their community of users that everything is fully secure with Chatwing powered chat rooms that use facebook authentication for login, Chatwing does not share, sell, or in anyway leverage this data.

Furthermore, Chatwing, the leading chatbox and chat room for websites and communities across the web has additional unprecedented features available to webmasters looking to use Facebook login for their chatbox or chatroom that no other chat service online offers.

Chatwing supports the ability to integrate your own Facebook app and authenticate directly via your account. Not only does this provide a seamless white label solution for webmasters looking to leverage facebook login to the chat with direct authentication for their community, now also with the recent interest to further secure community’s facebook data this can be used as an additional step for your chatroom and chatbox.

How do you setup facebook chatroom login authentication ?

Enter the App Wizard section of your Chatwing dashboard and select “AUTHENTICATION”website chatroom login

Under the 3rd party OAuthentication

Select: Allow login Facebook and enter your Facebook App ID/Client ID.

To save, select: Update Authentication

How to find my Facebook App ID/Client ID?

Next: navigate to the Chatboxes section and click Add to app next to the chatbox/chatroom you wish to use your Facebook authentication for login.


Now your Chatwing powered Chatbox and Chatroom will authenticate login using your custom Facebook App.

Login to get Started

03 Aug

NEW FEATURE: Chat SPLIT | SCREEN for Dedicated Pages

One of the latest Chatwing features released recently is SPLIT | SCREEN. On your dedicated chat page you can now add unlimited content including information, videos and much more. VIEW SPLIT | SCREEN DEMO

Access SPLIT | SCREEN under the Page Settings tab inside your Chatwing dashboard and use the Full Editor to customize the page as you like.

This feature will help inform and engage your entire community and is the ultimate compliment for your chatbox and chat room for website.

Check out Chatwing’s SPLIT | SCREEN page to get an idea of whats possible Chatwing.com/Demo

Login to your chatwing dashboard to try SPLIT | SCREEN

23 Jun

FinancesOnline confers Great User Experience award to Chatwing communications software

After going over Chatwing’s features and scouring the web with first-hand user experiences, top B2B authority FinancesOnline commended our communications platform with an 8.5/10 score and a 95% user satisfaction rating. This latest industry accolade highlights Chatwing’s chat room for website prowess as a leading customizable messaging software that currently powers the web services of over 3 million websites all over the world.

It’s extensive usage and popularity stems from its functional capacity to unite website group chat and mobile messaging through secure communication. For these and more, Chatwing was awarded by FinancesOnline with its 2017 Rising Star Award and 2017 Great User Experience Award. These distinguished honors are conferred to new products that have shown immense potential and ascended as a preferred option for customers. In fact, Chatwing is now ranked #5 in FinancesOnline’s instant messaging software category.


What makes Chatwing a top choice among users is its array of characteristic features in addition to its affordable pricing. You can build custom chatrooms and widgets, integrate the platform with your favorite social media apps, and enhance your business with its full mobile capability. It is a quick, dependable and user-friendly option to always stay in contact and be within reach of your chat team. These user benefits have not escaped the discriminating eye of FinancesOnline experts who have placed Chatwing among its top 10 communications software solutions.

12 Jun

Webmaster Guide: How to manage a chat room - Admin/Moderator Tips

Thousands of webmasters contact Chatwing every week asking how to manage their Chatwing powered chat room for website.

It all starts by simply hovering over any message in the chat.

Once you hover over several icons appear and each icon packs a powerful admin chat punch.

1st icon you’ll notice is the TRASH CAN. Simply click once and the message will be deleted. To save time there is not an extra prompt such as “are you sure you want to delete”, so take note and don’t click any import messages 😀

delete chat message

Delete a chat room message click Trash Icon

2nd Icon: the “i” displays the IP address of the User who sent the message.


3rd Icon: “!” Click this to FLAG MESSAGE. Many people ask what happens or how many flags does it take to take action on a specific message? Well, Chatwing has several proprietary algorthims running in the background to properly take into account how relevant this message is and if it should be deleted. Yes, the number of different users flagging a message certainly plays a role but it is not the only relevant indicator Chatwing algorithms use, the type of user flagging along with over 75 other indicators always factor in to actions on a flagged message.

4th Icon: Ignore User: This is the simplest yet most powerful control that every user has in a chatwing powered chatroom, you always have the ability to ignore any users and instantly block out all their messages. This is understandable given the level of trolls all over the web in chat room for website.

5th Icon: Ban User: The Ban/Block user icon prompts the admin and moderators to ban a user in real-time and set the amount of time they will be banned for. Some webmasters like to give uneducated users a quick 5 minute timeout as a warning, while some admins do not have the time to deal with some people and must instantly ban them for 5 or 10 years. It is solely of to the admin and moderators of the chatroom to decide how they want to manage and control their rooms.

How to ban users in a chat room

How to ban a chat room user

6th Icon: NEW:”Kick”: The 6th icon is visible in the Chatroom style interface which has a user list area, when you hover over a user in the user list an extra icon appears which allows you to KICK a user out of the room. The Kick feature is very helpful when dealing with the Silent Troll aka the Lurker. This type of person is the one who sites in the room and never says anything, sometimes they may stay for days in which case people start asking questions and become paranoid(Chatwing has received 1000’s of messages from paranoid webmasters regarding the Lurker. The solution is simple, just click the Kick icon and the lurker will be banished.

chat room lurker

lurker in a chat room

7th Icon: Private Message: Each User in a chat that has Private messaging enabled will also see an icon directory next to each user name, this icon is to begin a private message conversation with that user. Once clicked a new window loads within the chat window for private messaging. To get back to the main chatroom for website click the similar icon in the bottom bar of the chat. This icon allows you to toggle back and forth from the main chatroom to private message area.

Note: Most of these icons only appear in other peoples messages, for example if you post a message in the chat and hover over you will not see the flag, ban/block, kick or ignore icons. So to test and view all the icons it is best to have a different user post a message in the chat or have post a message in your chat from a different device such as your phone to give you a 1st hand experience of how you can manage your own website chat room.

If you do not have a Chatwing powered Chat room for your website yet…

Get Started and Register Here

chatwing powered chat room for website

20 Apr

NEW: Control Maximum amount of people in a single chat - Admin Setting

Chatwing’s latest feature is a game changer in the chat software industry.

Now YOU can set the number of users allowed in your chat:
You want to allow only 22 users in your chat?
You want to allow only 220 users in your chat?
You want to allow only 2200 users in your chat?
You want to allow only 9900 users in your chat?


chatroom, chatbox, number of users allowed in chat

This feature is now available in all Chatwing powered chat software services.

Want no Limits? No problem, keep your number at ‘0’ (default) and your chat will stay unlimited.

unlimited chatbox users

Up until this point Cloud Chat Software providers have told you how many users you can have in a chat and you must pay more to get more.

Well, Chatwing the leading customizable chat software platform has changed the rules.

Simply input the number of users you want to allow in your chatroom or chatbox.

limit chatroom users

Chatwing Chat Software - Chat User Limits Feature can be activated under the General Options tab in your Chatwing Dashboard. Login to your dashboard and try it out

04 Apr

How to integrate Drupal to your website account system

Now integrate your existing Drupal website’s account system directly to your chatwing powered chat room.

Start by DOWNLOADING Chatwing’s Drupal Chat Plugin HERE

Drupal chat widget

Drupal Chatroom powered by Chatwing

Follow the Complete Drupal Chat Room Plugin Instructions:

  1. Installation
    • Download the plugin from https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bynoev_duIs5UTJBUThYOXRBMEU
    • Extract file .zip and put this file in folder: “/sites/all/modules”
    • Log in into Drupal Administrator
    • Go to Modules => Chatwing => Check Enabled => Save configuration
    • Drupal will show successful message if the installation goes without any errors
  2. Configuration
    • In order to use the plugin, you have to get an access token from Chatwing website. Go to any of your chatbox, and select Use chatbox, then select to Plugins. After that, generate the access token for Drupal
    • Go to Modules => Chatwing => Configure => Access Token and insert your token there then click Save configuration
    • Drupal will show successful message if the installation goes without any errors.
    • After configuration successful, we have a list chatbox. You can create contents or blocks with this chatboxs.
  3. Create Content
    • In order to create content, you go to Content => Add content => Chatwing
    • Choose a chatbox in Chatbox, fill Width and Height like this image:
    • Enter Save and we have a chatbox page.
  4. Create Block
    • Go to Blocks => In Disable, you enable Chatwing Block => Save block
    • After Save block, you can see configure link of Chatwing Block.
    • Click configure => Select a chatbox => Fill Width chatbox => Fill Heigth chatbox => Save block
    • Finally, you can see your content and block like this image:
drupal chat software

Drupal Chat Software

21 Mar

NEW: Joomla Chat Integration with Account System Login

The latest Chatwing chat software feature now enables any Joomla powered website to integrate your existing account system directly to the chat. Joomla Single-Sign-On (SSO) integration can be enabled directly from your chatwing dashboard.

Under the PLUGIN section, generate Joomla access token.

joomla chat software

joomla chat for website

Note: Joomla Chatwing integration is supported across all Chatwing powered chat and app services. This includes creating a custom iOS, iPhone, iPad and Android Joomla mobile app from your Joomla website or Joomla User Account System.

PLUS: Now download the Chatwing Joomla chat for website Extension, HERE

Joomla Chat Integration Guide also available HERE


  1. Installation
    • Download the plugin from https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bynoev_duIs5ckNaV2JwQ2MyMW8
    • Log in into Joomla Administrator
    • Go to Extensions => Extension manager => Installjoomla chat box
    • Click Choose file, choose the downloaded plugin file then click Upload & Install
    • Joomla will show successful message if the installation goes without any errors
    • (Optional) Chatwing package contains component and plugin. The Chatwing component is enabled automatically, but the plugin is not. You can enable the plugin by navigating to Extensions => Plugin Manager, then search for “Chatwing” and click on Status button to enable the plugin
  2. Configuration
    • In order to use the plugin, you have to get an access token from Chatwing website. Go to any of your chatbox, and select Use chatbox, then select to Plugins. After that, generate the access token for Joomla
    • Navigate to Components => Chatwing => Access Token and insert your token there then click Save
    • If the token is correct, then we will have a list of created chatboxes of your account shown
    • Click Options to configure the plugin
    • At the configuration page, you can set default width and height for chatbox (in pixel)
    • The plugin also provides some extra features like chatbox shortcode and JomSocial integration. To enable those features, navigate to Extensions => Plugin Manager, search for Chatwing, then go to plugin settings
  3. Add chatbox
    There are 2 ways of adding a chatbox to your page: add new menu item or use shortcode.

    • Add new chatbox using menu item
      • Navigate to Menus => Choose a menu => Add new menu item
      • For Menu Item Type, click Select and choose Chatwing => Display a chatbox
      • On tab Chatwing options you can configure some options of the chatbox
    • Add chatbox inside an article using shortcode
      If you want to put an chatbox inside an article, you can insert the shortcode below to that article. Please note that before using shortcode, you have to enable feature Chatwing shortcode of the plugin.

      Parameter Description
      key key of chatbox (get it from Chatwing component index)
      width Width of the chatbox
      height Height of the chatbox
      enable_custom_login Enable custom login feature. 1 - Yes, 0 - No
      custom_login_secret Secret key for custom login feature. Get this from your chatwing dashboard
  4. Extra
    If your Joomla website has installed JomSocial extension, you can make chatbox display avatar of JomSocial avatar. To do this, please do these steps:

    • Enable custom login feature of chatbox
    • Enable JomSocial integration option in Chatwing plugin settings

WATCH: Joomla Chatwing Video - How to Install a Chat Room to Joomla

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a0zUK0Wx6aI]

Chatwing is the only service on the web to offer the ability to create a custom branded real-time Joomla Chat App



05 Mar

NEW: Unlimited Characters per Message

The latest feature released enables any chat to have unlimited characters in each message. Unlimited chat characters is possible in all chatWING chat services including:

The new feature can be activated from dashboard under Chatbox — > General options — > Allow 512+ characters

Allow 512+ characters is a feature available in all premium Chatwing services

Get started using the Top Rated Chat Software Online

 chat software

24 Feb

Live events chat room service | Moderate - Publish - Engage - Chat Software

Online Events Chat Software is the latest real-time chat service released from Chatwing. Events chat room allows moderators to approve messages before they are visible to an audience. As messages display within the chatbox in real time moderators click “approve” or “reject” and if approved the message displays to the audience. 

Live chat on a website using events chat room service directly increases audience engagement. Chatwing powered event chatroom also increases time spent on website and return visits.

It’s Your Event, Take Control!
Moderate - Publish - Engage 

Online Events Chat Platform from Chatwing is a premium service that can be activated directly from your Chatwing dashboard.

* Get Started *
 events chat room

23 Feb

NEW: File Sharing - How to share files in chat software

File Sharing is the latest feature now available across all Chatwing chat software services.

File sharing can be activated directly from your Chatwing dashboard:
Chatbox -> General options -> On/Off File Sharing

File Sharing is a premium feature and available in all upgraded packages.

   File Sharing is available in all Chatwing chat software services

Once activated the File Sharing icon displays in the chat text input area for all users.