Thousands of webmasters contact Chatwing every week asking how to manage their Chatwing powered chat room for website.
It all starts by simply hovering over any message in the chat.
Once you hover over several icons appear and each icon packs a powerful admin chat punch.
1st icon you’ll notice is the TRASH CAN. Simply click once and the message will be deleted. To save time there is not an extra prompt such as “are you sure you want to delete”, so take note and don’t click any import messages 😀

Delete a chat room message click Trash Icon
2nd Icon: the “i” displays the IP address of the User who sent the message.
3rd Icon: “!” Click this to FLAG MESSAGE. Many people ask what happens or how many flags does it take to take action on a specific message? Well, Chatwing has several proprietary algorthims running in the background to properly take into account how relevant this message is and if it should be deleted. Yes, the number of different users flagging a message certainly plays a role but it is not the only relevant indicator Chatwing algorithms use, the type of user flagging along with over 75 other indicators always factor in to actions on a flagged message.
4th Icon: Ignore User: This is the simplest yet most powerful control that every user has in a chatwing powered chatroom, you always have the ability to ignore any users and instantly block out all their messages. This is understandable given the level of trolls all over the web in chat room for website.
5th Icon: Ban User: The Ban/Block user icon prompts the admin and moderators to ban a user in real-time and set the amount of time they will be banned for. Some webmasters like to give uneducated users a quick 5 minute timeout as a warning, while some admins do not have the time to deal with some people and must instantly ban them for 5 or 10 years. It is solely of to the admin and moderators of the chatroom to decide how they want to manage and control their rooms.

How to ban a chat room user
6th Icon: NEW:”Kick”: The 6th icon is visible in the Chatroom style interface which has a user list area, when you hover over a user in the user list an extra icon appears which allows you to KICK a user out of the room. The Kick feature is very helpful when dealing with the Silent Troll aka the Lurker. This type of person is the one who sites in the room and never says anything, sometimes they may stay for days in which case people start asking questions and become paranoid(Chatwing has received 1000’s of messages from paranoid webmasters regarding the Lurker. The solution is simple, just click the Kick icon and the lurker will be banished.

lurker in a chat room
7th Icon: Private Message: Each User in a chat that has Private messaging enabled will also see an icon directory next to each user name, this icon is to begin a private message conversation with that user. Once clicked a new window loads within the chat window for private messaging. To get back to the main chatroom for website click the similar icon in the bottom bar of the chat. This icon allows you to toggle back and forth from the main chatroom to private message area.
Note: Most of these icons only appear in other peoples messages, for example if you post a message in the chat and hover over you will not see the flag, ban/block, kick or ignore icons. So to test and view all the icons it is best to have a different user post a message in the chat or have post a message in your chat from a different device such as your phone to give you a 1st hand experience of how you can manage your own website chat room.
If you do not have a Chatwing powered Chat room for your website yet…
Get Started and Register Here

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