07 Nov

Instagram Login Now Available also Vkontakte (VK) login now enabled

Chatwing chat software now supports 9 different login methods including the 2 newest INSTAGRAM and VKONTAKTE (VK)

Simply enable these from your dashboard as they are both turned OFF by default. Also, Tumblr login is also turned OFF by default and requires checking the box and clicking “Save”

05 Nov

Moderator and Admin Changes and Levels of Moderator Controls

Chatwing Chat Software Moderator Controls Available:

—Allow delete messages
—-Allow Block users
——-Allow unblock user
———Allow view IP

———-Allow manage filter
30 Oct

Admins and Moderators Delete Messages - Ban Users Now by Clicking on the Username

This new Chatwing Chat Software interface change is preparing for additional live moderator controls. Now simply click the username to have access to moderator live features including Delete Messages and Ban User.

24 May

New Chatwing Features are Live - In Chat Direct Controls

Get Started by clickingMANAGE

Moderators can now fully control Blacklist-> UnBan Users directly inside the chat and More:

Moderators can now create word Filters and Banned word lists directly from the chat

03 May

Chatwing Latest Features and Updates Released

Various Chatwing features are constantly being pushed live. Recently some new features include:

Filter Username:
Similar to how you have the ability to filter words said live you can now do the same for Usernames people choose.

Simpler interface for admins to see and control messages:
Shoutout Dan L
Default Browser Scrollbar has been pushed live.

Customize away Text when chat is turned off

Just unselect “Enable chatbox” and you can type and edit the text