Extract file .zip and put this file in folder: "/sites/all/modules"
Log in into Drupal Administrator
Go to Modules => Chatwing => Check Enabled => Save configuration
Drupal will show successful message if the installation goes without any errors
In order to use the plugin, you have to get an access token from Chatwing website. Go to any of your chatbox, and select Use chatbox, then select to Plugins. After that, generate the access token for Drupal
Go to Modules => Chatwing => Configure => Access Token and insert your token there then click Save configuration
Drupal will show successful message if the installation goes without any errors.
After configuration successful, we have a list chatbox. You can create contents or blocks with this chatboxs.
Create Content
In order to create content, you go to Content => Add content => Chatwing
Choose a chatbox in Chatbox, fill Width and Height like this image:
Enter Save and we have a chatbox page.
Create Block
Go to Blocks => In Disable, you enable Chatwing Block => Save block
After Save block, you can see configure link of Chatwing Block.
Click configure => Select a chatbox => Fill Width chatbox => Fill Heigth chatbox => Save block
Finnaly, you can see your content and block like this image: