Adding Chatbox/Booking to your Facebook Page

To add Chatbox/Booking to a Facebook Page:

  1. Log in to your Facebook account.
  2. In the search bar, find with key word "static html" after you choose result: Static HTML: iframe tabs.
  3. Click Add Static HTML to a Page.
  4. It will show list pages to you choose.

    Example, I will choose chatwing page:
  5. Next, you click see Set up tab button.
  6. This picture you should see after you click:
  7. To add a Chatbox/Booking for your facebook page.

    - Add a chatbox

    • You go to .
    • Choose a chatbox => Customize button => Use chatbox => Embedded options

    - Add a Booking
    • You go to .
    • Online Booking Schedule => Install Embed Interface => Installation

  8. Copy and paste IFrame in the index.html tab
  9. Click Save & Publish => View on Facebook
    - A Chatbox on your Facebook page.

    - A Booking on your Facebook page.
  10. To change the size of the Chatbox, click the Edit Tab button and change the ‘width’ and ‘height’ values of the Chatbox <iframe> tag, then click Save & Publish.