Top 5 Facebook Chat Alternative
Facebook, one of the social networks and chatting websites, is constantly upgrading and is now launching its Facebook Chat alternative in which a live chat window can be embedded in different blogsites or downloaded on desktops. With this development, Facebook Chat can now be used outside of Facebook. Isn’t this a good news? Of course it is, as everybody can still stay connected in the online world even without logging into the Facebook original site.
To make the most out of this live chat window exprience, everybody especially the “online people” must be aware of the leading five (5) Facebook Chat alternatives. These are as follows:
1. Chat Wing
Chat Wing, being the newest facebook chat tool is one of the most friendly and mostly used instant messaging online. Without any registration hassles, as simple as having a facebook account, a real-time, friendly, and chatty online environment is just one-click away. It can be embedded on different sites and capable of monetization too.
2. Chit Chat
Easy-operational without a web browser is one of the boastful aspects of Chit Chat. Aside from chatting, it has the ability to send messages to Facebook inbox and send posts to Facebook wall. Chit Chat also lets you know who are your present available online friends and the time when they signed in and out of chat. It is regarded as the improved way or improved version of Facebook chat as it is very user-friendly tool.
3. Meebo
Meebo is quite popular because it has no restrictions. Meebo bar can be added to any websites and instantly you can connect to all of your online friends regardless on what type of instant messaging they’re using and in one friend’s list only. It supports almost all major chatting networks. It also has this colorful and friendly look that will never intimidate reluctat users.
4. Digsby
Digsby is a newly-launched multiprotocol instant messaging tool that also allows users to receive email notifications and procude an immediate in-line email reply . With those emails, short actions such as “marking spam” is applicable. You can send files directly through Digsby. It is also a social networking tool that keps you updated with your friends’ activites by receiving newsfeeds.
5. Pidgin
Considered as the universal chat client, Pidgin has been easily used by millions. The best thing about Pidgin is that it supports not only the major chatting networks but also some of the minor chatting sites all in one time. It also has the ability to make yourself invisible or idle online, thus avoiding some friends-clustering problem.
Indeed, these Facebook Chat alternatives are the greatest developments nowadays. It has changed the primitive ways of communication by not just logging into these chatting websites but also connecting with your friends online even without a web browser, with just your desktop and a live chat window. Beat that!
So, what are you waiting for? Hit your internet devices and try these Facebook Chat alternatives now to enjoy the most wonderful live chat window experience.
ChatWing is a leading provider of powerful live chatting online tools. when can we see the new version?