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Top 5 Facebook Chat Alternative

October 18, 2011 Category :Online Chatroom 0

Are you looking for a Facebook chat alternative from different chatting websites that has a live chat window? There are many options online that you can choose from. Do your research and make your decision.

When you say social media, many people think “Facebook.” This social networking site has become so popular to millions of people around the world that it has become part of the normal daily routine of many Facebook account owners.

Many Facebook users keep themselves busy and entertained when they log into their account. They can play various games for hours. They can keep updated with what’s going on with their Facebook friends. They can view videos, read posts and just keep clicking around the site.

One activity done in Facebook is chatting. Facebook has come up with a Facebook chat alternative that allows users to have a live chat window in various other websites. These can also be downloaded on desktops.

You can check out the following Facebook chat alternative and choose which one best fits your needs.

1. Fly with “Chat Wing”
Try this new Facebook chat alterntiave. A lot of people are now using this instant messaging tool. It is user friendly. You don’t need to register anymore. When you’re already registered on Facebook you don’t have to register to Chat Wing again.
This chat tool can be used in real time. You can also embed it in your own sites. Aside from chatting, an advantage to using chatting is that you can also earn money.

2. “Chit Chat” Chat
You don’t need a web browser when you use Chit Chat. You can easily run and operate this chat tool. This is not only for chatting but it can also be used to send messages to your friend’s inbox in Facebook as well as send posts to their walls.
You can find out which of your friends are online and available to chat with you. You can even check what times when they are online.

3. “Meebo” for you
A Meebo bar can also be imbedded in your websites. You can connect with your friend online by using this chatting tool. Many of the big chatting networks are supported by Meebo so that would be an advantage for you.
Another plus is how colorful this chatting tool would look on your website. That would be a friendly way to welcome the visitors on your site.

4. Dig into “Digsby”
This is another new Facebook chat alternative that also allows you to get email notifications. You will also have the ability to send files through this tool. Newsfeeds can also be seen here so it can also be a good social networking tool.

5. Chat in “Pidgin”
Pidgin supports big chatting networks as well as the small ones. You can be invisible or idle when you use Pidgin. Try this chatting tool for yourself and find out if it works for you.

You can visit www.chatwing.com to find out more information about this Facebook chat alternative or visit its blog for more details. There are many chatting websites that offer live chat window so do your research and look for a Facebook chat alternative.

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Maximize a Facebook Chat Alternative

October 16, 2011 Category :Online Chatroom 0

If you are looking for chatting websites that include live chat widget, there are many options as a Facebook chat alternative. Many people have found chatting to become very useful in many ways.

Facebook has become one of the most popular social networking sites serving around 750 million users who are actively using their accounts. It has been a place for Facebook friends to interact online, to play games, and even to get the latest news. It has been a favorite past time and many have been termed as Facebook addicts.

One of the activities that have been very useful is chatting on Facebook. Through this tool, Facebook users have the opportunity to chat on real time with friends who live in the same city or even on the other side of the globe. But there are those who are looking for a Facebook chat alternative.

How about those that don’t have a Facebook account? People can still chat with others through other chatting websites. They can install a live chat widget on their computers to be able to chat with others online.

Chatting has been very useful for people of almost all walks of life. It has been a great tool used by individuals and organizations to communicate with each other. More and more chatting websites are tapping into this important niche of customers with the need to chat.

For families and friends
In the past, people have relied on sending letters for families and friends who are away. Now that would take a long time. With the internet, sending e-mail messages became more common but it still hasn’t tapped the need for communicating in real time. Phone calls are great but long distance bills can be a burden to someone’s pocket.

Here comes chatting. With chatting websites and a live chat widget, people can communicate with family and friends in real time. Questions are answered right away. There comes a feeling of talking with each other almost in person when you get a response in real time.

For businesses
Entrepreneurs are not left out in taking advantage of chatting websites and a live chat widget. They find that this can be useful in running the company as well as in reaching the customers. International companies are especially thankful for these useful tools.
Instead of using toll-free numbers that are quite expensive, companies can save more with the use of chatting tools. Customers can also be able to raise concerns and reviews and companies can response to these like a help desk.

For bloggers
Journals are not for private reading anymore. With the internet, blogs have come up one by one and have engaged in different topics. Many have flocked in different groups with different interests. This form of communication has become very popular these days.

Some blogs have opted to install a live chat widget on their site. This has become very important so that the blogger and followers can interact with each other. In this way, they can share ideas and create a stronger bond.

Visit www.chatwing.com for more information. As you check out and use chatting websites with a live chat widget you may also learn how to maximize a Facebook chat alternative.

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How to Monetize from your Facebook Chat Rooms

October 14, 2011 Category :Online Chatroom 0

Chatting websites, a live chat widget and Facebook chat rooms are some of the things that are keeping people busy online. Facebook has already been part of people’s lives, including the chatting they do on the site. And people have also found a way of earning money while chatting.

Facebook has been visited by millions of people in different parts of the world. It has served them as they interact with their Facebook friends. They also get the latest news and activities of their online friends. Facebook users have been constantly entertained and informed in this site.

Individuals can create their profiles in this social networking site. One can write the country where they live, school where they graduated, birthday and other information. Other details such as hobbies, interests and other “Likes” may also be listed.

This social networking site has also been tapped by business-minded people. Many companies have chosen to advertise their products and services in Facebook. They want to reach their target audience in this site. Advertisements are found on Facebook and Facebook users can even show that they “Like” certain products.

Fan Pages in Facebook has also served companies. One can search the profile of a certain product that they like and be added as a Fan of that product on Facebook. This is a good marketing move for these companies.

Another tool that can be used is adding chatrooms in a Facebook Fan Page. These Facebook chatrooms will serve companies well and help them get more customers. They can insert a live chat widget in the Fan Page for the use of the fans and users.

These Facebook chatrooms can serve your company well. The following are some of the advantages of chatrooms for entrepreneurs.

Customer Help Desk

One of the most important uses for chatrooms is the opportunity it gives the companies to connect with the customers. When customers have problems and concerns about certain products, these can be dealt with through chatting between both parties. When customers receive help they will most likely feel that what they think matters to companies.

Real Time

Another plus for chatrooms is the time element. Chatting between the customer and the company representative is in real time. Immediate answers can be given to questions asked. Customers may feel personally connected with another person on the other line.


Important information can also be gathered in chatrooms. This can come in the form of contact information. Interested customers may provide this valuable information for future contact. This may well be the start of a good relationship between a customer and the company.


Other information that might be helpful in future marketing strategies may include age, location or even interests of the customers. The more the company gets to know their buyers, the better they can use this information in targeting the right kind of people for their products and services.

When you check out www.chatwing.com you can learn more about chatting. As you do research about chatting websites and a live chat widget you might find ideas to improve your Facebook chat rooms.

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Facebook Chat Rooms for Your Business

October 12, 2011 Category :Online Chatroom 0

Do you know that you can now use Facebook chat rooms, live chat programs, and other chatting websites for your business? Your product will be more marketable and saleable if you sell it online.

It will be more effective if you put your product up on Facebook. Nowadays, who has never heard of Facebook? Who does not have a Facebook account?

Facebook has attracted so many social networking addicts since it was launched in February of 2004. In fact, as of of July of 2011, there are over 750 million active users worldwide. In addition, the feature had made a lot of changes. This includes the Facebook chat rooms.

Facebook chat rooms just keep getting better. They have unveiled their new chat feature. In partnership with Skype, Facebook users can now carry out video calls within Facebook.

New live chat programs of Facebook will definitely help a lot on your business. As an entrepreneur, gone are the days with other chatting websites that you can only type and put emoticons to show the other person you are talking to what you feel. You can actually see your customer and video chat with them. The latest version is now available for download. You can get it from this link: http://www.skype.com/intl/en-us/features/allfeatures/Facebook/.

How it can help you? Facebook chat rooms can contribute to the success of your business. Take time to learn about how to use them for your advantages.

  1. To see is to believe

Your customers will not buy your products not unless they have seen it to believe it. Have you ever imagined trying to close a business with your customer with other live chat programs and chatting websites? You are too restricted because there is only so much you can do in typing.

It is definitely a good idea to upload videos on Facebook to demonstrate how your product actually works. However, the real time feature is missing.

With the Facebook video chat feature, you can now conduct demonstration for your products and services – in real time. Your customers get to have that feel and the first hand experience of the product before they purchase it.

Moreover, this kind of live chat program gives a vast way to publicize to everyone if you happen to have a new product or service you want to offer.

  1. Facebook video chat can be used for customer service purposes.

For this kind of Facebook chat rooms, it can turn into a customer service aspect of your business.

You can deal better with your customers because you can see and talk to them, and the other way around. In business, adding a personal touch to it is always crucial. It does not only leave a good impression to your customer, but it also leaves your personal rapport.

Optimizing the use of Facebook chat rooms can definitely get bigger. Thus your products and services will be more viral to those 750 million active users worldwide.

Who says that social networking websites such as Facebook can only be used to find long-lost friends? With the help of live chat programs and chatting websites such as Facebook chat rooms, doing your business is easier. Thanks to Facebook’s video chat. For more information, you may visit our website at http://www.chatwings.com.

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Create A Community With Facebook Chat Rooms

September 22, 2011 Category :Live chatting online 0

Facebook chat rooms are designed to build upon interactions through the new numerous chatting websites to create communities of people online. Facebook is constantly upgrading and is now launching its facebook chat alternative.

A live chat window can be embedded in different sites or can be downloaded on desktops. What’s great about this is that you can now use facebook chat outside of facebook. Everyone can still stay connected in the online world through chatting websites even without logging into the facebook official site.

Chatting on the internet is an engaging means of spending free time with many people. The mere fact that you belong to a certain community, even if it is an online one, can be a very fulfilling experience. That is probably the reason why facebook chat rooms have become popular not just among teenagers. People of all ages log on to chat servers and chatting websites to meet other people.

Some people may be interested in friendship, while others may have a particular interest in finding partners. All these are possible on facebook chat rooms and you can attain your goal a lot easier and faster.

Chatting websites also come with the notable advantage that they provide free chat. If you are a person who loves online communication, you will appreciate how chat rooms operate because they do not restrict your time on no account of cost.

Facebook chat alternatives have greatly changed the primitive ways of communication by just logging into different chatting websites. You have to try these facebook chat alternatives now to experience live chat window. Here are the five leading facebook chat alternatives:

  1. Chat Wing
  • Chat wing is one of the most friendly and mostly used instant messaging online. It is just a one click away without any registration hassles. It is capable of monetization and it can be easily embedded on different sites.
  1. Chit Chat
  • Chit chat has the ability to send messages on facebook inbox and send posts to facebook wall. It is easy-operational without a web-browser. Chit chat is an improved version of facebook chat. It also let you know who your available online friends.
  1. Meebo
  • Meebo enables users to easily share content and communicates in real time with thye people who matter to them. The Meebo can be added to any websites and instantly can connect to all online friends.
  1. Digsby
  • This is a newly-launched multiprotocol instant messaging tool which allows users to receive notifications in your email. It also keeps you updated with your friends’ activities by receiving newsfeeds.
  1. Pidgin
  • Pidgin is considered as the universal chat client and has been used easily by millions. Major and minor chatting networks are supported by Pidgin.

You can create your own community or facebook groups within the facebook networking site. Facebook groups are based around a real life interaction or affiliation or association with people and things. People and friends can promote, share and discuss relevant topics. People stay connected through facebook chat rooms especially now that there are many facebook chat alternatives on different chatting websites.


The author is an online forum manager who wrote higher than a dozen articles on Meebo chat a alternative or Meebo chatroom and kids chatting rooms.

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