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The MeeboAlternative for your Websites

October 20, 2011 Category :Online Chatroom 0

A Meebo alternative or a Meebo chat alternative can help you in running your website or blog. A Facebook chat alternative may not be the right one for your website, but if you try the Meebo alternative, you can find out for yourself if this is the right match for your site. Check out the advantages for having the Meebo alternative.

Two-way communication. Do you have a website for your business online? That’s a good way to give out information to customers or potential customers about products, services, discounts and other promotions from your company. Now that is one way communication coming from you.

How will your customers communicate to you? You can get a widget for your website. A widget is a code that you can embed on your website so can chat with visitors of your website.

If your customer has a question, you can answer it through an instant messenger in your page. If you have a question, you can get answers from your visitors, too. Now that is two-way communication.

This will work will with your blog also. You may ask visitors about their opinions about content, design and other aspects of the blog. It can help you improve your blog.

Real time communication. You can find out who is online at the same time you are. That communication is closer to being actually speaking with your customer face to face. When they have a concern you can instantly provide possible solutions, problems can be addressed faster and queries can be answered at that same moment.

That is the beauty of communicating live with someone over the internet. This can do wonders for your website, blog as well as for your social networking site.

Your visitors will also know if you are online. If they want to find out more about an article that you wrote in your blog, they can ask you through chat. You can also let your visitors know your status through the widget.

Multiple communication. Choose a chatting tool that lets you communicate with a number of visitors at one time. You can have a personal chat with each of the visitors that you have, separately.

Your visitors don’t need to log in to be able to chat with you. They don’t even need an instant messenger account to chat with you. And if you are not online, they can opt to leave offline messages for you. You can have these features with a Meebo alternative.

Communicate anywhere. Some people feel the need for being able to chat wherever they go. Aside from chatting through the computer in the office or at home they can also chat when they are out through mobile phones. Choose a chatting tool that allows you to chat on your mobile phone also. It may be an Android or iPhone and you can still chat with your website or blog visitors.

Visit www.meebo.com to learn about how to get a widget for your website or blog. You might not want a Facebook chat alternative but in this website you can learn about a Meebo chat alternative or the Meebo alternative.

Ben has been an online chat administrator of numerous online chatting sites. He has written articles on Chat rooms for Adult and Facebook Chat Alternative in his spare time.

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Maximize a Facebook Chat Alternative

October 16, 2011 Category :Online Chatroom 0

If you are looking for chatting websites that include live chat widget, there are many options as a Facebook chat alternative. Many people have found chatting to become very useful in many ways.

Facebook has become one of the most popular social networking sites serving around 750 million users who are actively using their accounts. It has been a place for Facebook friends to interact online, to play games, and even to get the latest news. It has been a favorite past time and many have been termed as Facebook addicts.

One of the activities that have been very useful is chatting on Facebook. Through this tool, Facebook users have the opportunity to chat on real time with friends who live in the same city or even on the other side of the globe. But there are those who are looking for a Facebook chat alternative.

How about those that don’t have a Facebook account? People can still chat with others through other chatting websites. They can install a live chat widget on their computers to be able to chat with others online.

Chatting has been very useful for people of almost all walks of life. It has been a great tool used by individuals and organizations to communicate with each other. More and more chatting websites are tapping into this important niche of customers with the need to chat.

For families and friends
In the past, people have relied on sending letters for families and friends who are away. Now that would take a long time. With the internet, sending e-mail messages became more common but it still hasn’t tapped the need for communicating in real time. Phone calls are great but long distance bills can be a burden to someone’s pocket.

Here comes chatting. With chatting websites and a live chat widget, people can communicate with family and friends in real time. Questions are answered right away. There comes a feeling of talking with each other almost in person when you get a response in real time.

For businesses
Entrepreneurs are not left out in taking advantage of chatting websites and a live chat widget. They find that this can be useful in running the company as well as in reaching the customers. International companies are especially thankful for these useful tools.
Instead of using toll-free numbers that are quite expensive, companies can save more with the use of chatting tools. Customers can also be able to raise concerns and reviews and companies can response to these like a help desk.

For bloggers
Journals are not for private reading anymore. With the internet, blogs have come up one by one and have engaged in different topics. Many have flocked in different groups with different interests. This form of communication has become very popular these days.

Some blogs have opted to install a live chat widget on their site. This has become very important so that the blogger and followers can interact with each other. In this way, they can share ideas and create a stronger bond.

Visit www.chatwing.com for more information. As you check out and use chatting websites with a live chat widget you may also learn how to maximize a Facebook chat alternative.

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How to Monetize from your Facebook Chat Rooms

October 14, 2011 Category :Online Chatroom 0

Chatting websites, a live chat widget and Facebook chat rooms are some of the things that are keeping people busy online. Facebook has already been part of people’s lives, including the chatting they do on the site. And people have also found a way of earning money while chatting.

Facebook has been visited by millions of people in different parts of the world. It has served them as they interact with their Facebook friends. They also get the latest news and activities of their online friends. Facebook users have been constantly entertained and informed in this site.

Individuals can create their profiles in this social networking site. One can write the country where they live, school where they graduated, birthday and other information. Other details such as hobbies, interests and other “Likes” may also be listed.

This social networking site has also been tapped by business-minded people. Many companies have chosen to advertise their products and services in Facebook. They want to reach their target audience in this site. Advertisements are found on Facebook and Facebook users can even show that they “Like” certain products.

Fan Pages in Facebook has also served companies. One can search the profile of a certain product that they like and be added as a Fan of that product on Facebook. This is a good marketing move for these companies.

Another tool that can be used is adding chatrooms in a Facebook Fan Page. These Facebook chatrooms will serve companies well and help them get more customers. They can insert a live chat widget in the Fan Page for the use of the fans and users.

These Facebook chatrooms can serve your company well. The following are some of the advantages of chatrooms for entrepreneurs.

Customer Help Desk

One of the most important uses for chatrooms is the opportunity it gives the companies to connect with the customers. When customers have problems and concerns about certain products, these can be dealt with through chatting between both parties. When customers receive help they will most likely feel that what they think matters to companies.

Real Time

Another plus for chatrooms is the time element. Chatting between the customer and the company representative is in real time. Immediate answers can be given to questions asked. Customers may feel personally connected with another person on the other line.


Important information can also be gathered in chatrooms. This can come in the form of contact information. Interested customers may provide this valuable information for future contact. This may well be the start of a good relationship between a customer and the company.


Other information that might be helpful in future marketing strategies may include age, location or even interests of the customers. The more the company gets to know their buyers, the better they can use this information in targeting the right kind of people for their products and services.

When you check out www.chatwing.com you can learn more about chatting. As you do research about chatting websites and a live chat widget you might find ideas to improve your Facebook chat rooms.

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Meebo Alternative for your Business

October 8, 2011 Category :Online Chatroom 0

A Meebo alternative or Meebo chat alternative can help you with your business. Meebo alternative can be your Facebook chat alternative. Search around for a chatting tool that can be advantageous for your company.

Many entrepreneurs have now turned to the internet to start or expand their business. They recognize the advantages of making their presence known online. Potential customers turn to the search engine to know more about certain companies or products.

Business owners are also recognizing the benefits of chatting tools. There are many ways that having instant messaging tools can prove to be valuable to companies.

Websites and Blogs

Your website can contain information about products and services that you offer. You can announce promotions, press releases and other info that they need their customers to be aware of. Your blogs can also serve as a source of information for people.

Chatting tools can be installed on your company website or blog. Get a code for a widget that you can embed in your website. And you can make use of this chatting tool for the benefit of your business.

Through instant messaging you can have communication with your customers in real time. When they have concerns, problems and other questions you may provide the necessary answers and even solutions to these. You can have a help desk for your customers. You can communicate in real time.

Aside from information you can get from your customers, you can also get information from them. You can ask for contact information such as names and e-mail addresses for further communication.

You may find out about features they like about your products or even suggestions on how you can improve your products and services. Information you will find can also help you in targeting your audience in marketing campaigns.


Chatting tools can also be used for advertising your products or services. There is potential in this medium of advertising as people may spend longer time online when they are having fun chatting with friends.

Pick a chatting tool that allows you to show different kinds of advertising. Ads can come in videos, games, quizzes, interactive sites and other forms that can easily attract attention.

Choose a company that knows how to match ads with the right audience. They need to see ads that they would be interested in. Target audience should be considered when advertising through an instant messenger.


Social networking sites are very popular these days. In these sites people share many things with their friends. Others share videos, pictures, articles and even advertisements.

Chatting tools also have this feature of easy sharing of information and files. The Meebo alternative allows chatters to drag and drop advertisement from a page to anyone in his buddy list. Sharing should be easy and fun so people can enjoy chatting.

For more information about the Meebo alternative, you can search www.meebo.com. If you feel like a Facebook chat alternative couldn’t give your business to your full potential, you can try another option, a Meebo chat alternative or a Meebo alternative.

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Criteria of a Facebook Chat Alternative

September 24, 2011 Category :Online Chatroom 0

Many have used Facebook chat rooms but you might want to check out chatting websites and look for a Facebook chat alternative. As you look for other options, the following might help you in making the right choice for a Facebook chat alternative.

So you have been using Facebook chat when chatting with your friends and family. You might feel bored with the present state of Facebook chat rooms. You’ve probably heard of people being irritated with some new features. Whatever your reason, you don’t have to stick to Facebook chat rooms if you don’t want to.

You can use a Facebook chat alternative instead. There are many chatting websites that you can visit. The following are suggested criteria on choosing a Facebook chat alternative. You may find these to be helpful as you decide which chatting tools to use.

Free, free, free!

One of the reasons why people use Facebook and even continue to use it is because of the opportunity to use it for free. Many would try something when it doesn’t require them to pay anything. Remember free samples in stores? So try to look for chatting websites that are free. There are many chatting websites that offer free chatting tools.

Simple log ins

You don’t have to complicate your chatting experience. If you already have a Facebook or Twitter account you can already use a chatting tool such as ChatWing. If you want to appear anonymously, you can log in as a guest.

Easy to use

Don’t use a chatting tool that would just give you a hard time. Chatting is supposed to be a good experience, a time to just talk with friends and family. Not everyone are computer experts, you should not need special skills to be able to use certain chat rooms.

Find chatting websites that offer chat tools that are easy to install. Some can even be customized. You can change the color and size of the chat widget or the fonts. Chatting is even more exciting if things can be changed every now and then.

Embed in websites

Do you have a personal website or a business website? A chatting tool in your website would benefit you and your site. It lets the visitors stay for a longer time in your website as they chat.

If you have a blog, you and your followers can chat with each other through a chat widget. You can form a community of people with common interests. If you have a cooking blog, you can share cooking techniques, recipes and just the love for cooking.

If yours is a website for your company, having a chat widget installed in your site can be a great connection between you and your customers. It can work as a help desk, open for 24 hours a day. You can instantly deal with concerns and problems that your customers or even potential customers may have.


Ben has been an online chat administrator of numerous online chatting sites. He has written articles on Chat rooms for Adult and Facebook Chat Alternative in his spare time.

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