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Can the Meebo Alternative Improve your Website? Find out

November 24, 2011 Category :live chat websites 0

Discover the advantages of a Meebo alternative or Meebo chat alternative. It might be the Facebook chat alternative you are looking for. If you would like to chat in other websites aside from Facebook, you can do that with a Meebo alternative.

Chatting is one of the favorite past time of people these days. People meet new friends through chatting websites and social networking sites with chatting tools. Their network of people grows bigger as they gain new friends as they chat.

It is also a way to keep up with old friends. Chatting allows family members who are far from each other learn of news and other information. It keeps the fire of these important relationships alive through real time communication. It would seem like old times for these friends and family members.

Because of the demand for chatting, there are various companies who have come up with different features for their instant messengers and other chatting tools. There are those that have made these tools more useful, with added feature of sharing files and the like.

Some make chatting more fun. Companies have come up with creative ideas to make the experience enjoyable for chat-addicts. Of course, they need to make chatting easy and user-friendly.

There is a chatting tool that can be used in various websites. It has a drag and drop feature that allows for easy sharing of information from different websites.

Drag a headline or a picture from The Hollywood Reporter website and drop it into your friends that you are chatting with. That’s how easy sharing can be.

You don’t have to log into your instant messenger or social networking site. You will be able to see your friends from the different networks in one place. You can then choose which one you would like to share the information with through this Meebo alternative.

You can get this Meebo bar for your website. Why add a chatting tool to your website?

More people. So you have your website. But you want more people to visit your site. One way to increase the number of people visiting you would be adding a chatting tool.

Sure, surfers can visit various pages on your website. But imagine if they can chat while on your website, too. As they surf the different pages of your website, they can share what information they get while chatting with their friends.

Longer stay. When you’re chatting with someone and enjoying yourself, you sometimes don’t notice how long you have been online. Visitors can be very involved in what they’re doing.

Choose a chatting tool that has good features and other buttons that allow you to modify different things. You can also let your visitors easily find what they want.

Higher income. Companies can now advertise in chatting tools and therefore allows you more income for your website. Make sure that these ads don’t draw away your users from your own website though. Provide advertising opportunities and earn more.

Learn more about the Meebo alternative from www.meebo.com. Your Facebook chat alternative can be a Meebo chat alternative. See how your website can improve with a meebo chat alternative or Meebo alternative.

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Criteria of a Facebook Chat Alternative

September 24, 2011 Category :Online Chatroom 0

Many have used Facebook chat rooms but you might want to check out chatting websites and look for a Facebook chat alternative. As you look for other options, the following might help you in making the right choice for a Facebook chat alternative.

So you have been using Facebook chat when chatting with your friends and family. You might feel bored with the present state of Facebook chat rooms. You’ve probably heard of people being irritated with some new features. Whatever your reason, you don’t have to stick to Facebook chat rooms if you don’t want to.

You can use a Facebook chat alternative instead. There are many chatting websites that you can visit. The following are suggested criteria on choosing a Facebook chat alternative. You may find these to be helpful as you decide which chatting tools to use.

Free, free, free!

One of the reasons why people use Facebook and even continue to use it is because of the opportunity to use it for free. Many would try something when it doesn’t require them to pay anything. Remember free samples in stores? So try to look for chatting websites that are free. There are many chatting websites that offer free chatting tools.

Simple log ins

You don’t have to complicate your chatting experience. If you already have a Facebook or Twitter account you can already use a chatting tool such as ChatWing. If you want to appear anonymously, you can log in as a guest.

Easy to use

Don’t use a chatting tool that would just give you a hard time. Chatting is supposed to be a good experience, a time to just talk with friends and family. Not everyone are computer experts, you should not need special skills to be able to use certain chat rooms.

Find chatting websites that offer chat tools that are easy to install. Some can even be customized. You can change the color and size of the chat widget or the fonts. Chatting is even more exciting if things can be changed every now and then.

Embed in websites

Do you have a personal website or a business website? A chatting tool in your website would benefit you and your site. It lets the visitors stay for a longer time in your website as they chat.

If you have a blog, you and your followers can chat with each other through a chat widget. You can form a community of people with common interests. If you have a cooking blog, you can share cooking techniques, recipes and just the love for cooking.

If yours is a website for your company, having a chat widget installed in your site can be a great connection between you and your customers. It can work as a help desk, open for 24 hours a day. You can instantly deal with concerns and problems that your customers or even potential customers may have.


Ben has been an online chat administrator of numerous online chatting sites. He has written articles on Chat rooms for Adult and Facebook Chat Alternative in his spare time.

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What Makes Facebook Chat Rooms Engaging

August 22, 2011 Category :chat room for adults| chat room no registration| chat rooms for teenagers| chatango chat rooms| free chat sites no registration| live chat agents| live chat application| live chat bot| live chat button| live chat room for free| live chat solutions| live chat websites| Live chat widget| Live chatting online 0

Chatting websites offer live chat programs, and an example of these are Facebook chat rooms. What are the advantages of using Facebook Chat Rooms? Find out more about these.

You know who is online. Yes, green means go. In Facebook chat roms, a green dot means something like that, too: green means go ahead you can chat with this friend. Facebook’s chatting tool has a side bar that lists friends who are online. They are using Facebook at the same time you are using it, too

Facebook’s side bar is readily available for you to be able to choose who to chat with. It has your friends’ profile pictures, names, and a green dot for those who are online. The list is also alphabetically arranged for convenience in looking for the right name.

If you couldn’t find the friend that you are looking for in the list, you can click “More online friends”. And you can find out if the friend is hidden in this list. Scrolling up and down is also a good idea. Or better yet, type the name of your friend in the little box in the bottom to search for the friend you want to chat with.

You can chat with many friends at one time. With Facebook chat rooms, you have the luxury of being able to chat with many friends at the same time. That’s a sort of multi-tasking in chatting for you.

Click the name of the online friend you want to chat with. Then click another one and another one and still another one. Then, chat with them all at the same time. Yes, you can do that with Facebook chat rooms.

There’s also another way of chatting with many people at the same time. Here’s how you can do that. Click the name of the first friend from the list. Then in the individual box that appeared, click the flower symbol and click “Add Friends to Chat.” You can then type the name of another friend, then click done. You chat with many friends at the same time in one chat box.

This tool is very useful for friends who are talking about the same things. Groups can also plan certain events and activities in this setting. Information shared with the group is read by everyone.

Another feature of Facebook chat rooms is the ability it gives the user to be able to see the “full conversation.” You can review questions asked previously that haven’t been answered yet. You can check out information and confirm whether the information you have is the right one or not.

If you don’t want to chat, just uncheck “Available to Chat” on the side bar. Chat sounds can also be turned off. When you’re ready to chat you can click these two and you will be notified when someone wants to chat with you.

You can also check out other chatting websites and live chat programs if you feel like comparing these to Facebook chat rooms.


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Video: See How ChatWing Live Chat Widget Works

May 12, 2011 Category :live chat websites 0

Here’s a quick video on how ChatWing’s live chat widget works. Check it out.

As you may already know, we will be rolling out a new version of our very own live chatting tool with greater features and better benefits.

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Policing Your Own Onsite Live Chat Widget

May 11, 2011 Category :Live chat widget 2

Image: Nutdanai Apikhomboonwaroot / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

For most websites that are not heavily funded, or blogs that are run by regular individuals, the hard part of implementing live chat widgets onsite is policing it full-time, 24 hours, seven days a week. It obviously takes a lot of vigilance to make sure that no one in the chat room posts foul languages and that the conversation are kept in decent levels.


Spamming is also another issue that needs to be addressed when setting out to implement a live chatting tool onsite. Spamming is simply annoying, and if unchecked, a chat room riddled with spam posts could turn visitors off and they could be turned away for good.

For sites with lots of financial resources, they can easily hire someone to moderate their site’s chat rooms. However, for those who lack the funds necessary to get someone to police their onsite chat rooms, here are some tips that could help you somehow keep your site free from unwanted visitors.

Tip number 1. Use live chat solutions that has automatic filtering features. There are live chatting tools out there that automatically edit out words that are off or at least appear to be off. They also do a great job of filtering out spammers and other suspicious users.

Tip number 2. Set very specific rules. Set rules such as making it compulsory to log in with properly identified profiles. If you are using ChatWing’s live chat widget, that shouldn’t be a problem, as users can log in with their Facebook and Twitter profiles making them properly identifiable somewhat.

Also make sure to make it very clear to visitors that repeat offenders will be booted out for good.

Tip number 3. If you don’t have the financial resources to hire someone to look after your site’s chat room, pray that no one does something silly while you’re not on. Joking aside, when you’re on, go over the conversation on your website. Take note of the people posting silly stuff and have them banned from ever using your chat room.

Drop us a line for comments on ChatWing’s live chat widget. Tell us your thoughts and let us know what features you would like for us to integrate. Send your messages to [email protected].

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