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Complementing Social Media Marketing with Live Chat Widgets

May 24, 2011 Category :live chat websites 0

Image: tungphoto / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

If you’re an Internet marketer, you probably understand the enormous advantage of using social media widgets such as Facebook chat and Twitter buttons. From and Internet marketing standpoint, these widgets are excellent tools for engaging site visitors in topics that relate to the site’s subjects.

Websites are much more interesting with social media buttons, as they let you in on what your friends are up to online, and they also allow your friends to know what things you are exploring online.

But there is another interesting way to let your friends know what you are up to online. ChatWing’s latest version of its live chat button will be launched pretty soon (I actually can’t wait to test drive it on my personal sites).

What’s amazing about ChatWing’s new chat buttons is that it allows for a more seamless integration with your Facebook and Twitter profiles.

I recently had the opportunity to test the new widget out. I was impressed by how it allowed me to log in either with my Facebook profile or with my Twitter account or, most impressively, with both profiles simultaneously.

Check out ChatWing’s live chat button in action.

By combining your current social media approach with groundbreaking tools like chat widgets will certainly make your website perform beyond belief. Who knows what surprises with regards to traffic and sales combining these two tools together could bring?


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Chatwing.com: Best Facebook Chat Alternative

May 15, 2011 Category :live chat websites 0

Image: renjith krishnan / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Facebook, being the world’s most visited site, has made their own Facebook chat tool as one of the most used instant messaging on the Internet. It’s an excellent tool for allowing Facebook friends to get chatty in real-time, and some applications even allow for Facebook’s chatting widget to be embedded on site so that users can post their comments on other people’s post. It’s an incredible application to essentially still be on Facebook, even while on another site.

Such application, however, has been set up with only Facebook users in mind. What about Internet users who are also active in other social networking sites such as Twitter?

Enter ChatWing.com. The new version of ChatWing’s live chat widget is deemed to be one of the best Facebook chat alternatives in that it has been created with Twitter users also in mind. Testing of the new ChatWing live chatting tool shows that users can login with either their Facebook or Twitter accounts or they can login using both at the same time.

To make things a lot more exciting for those who just can’t help but share anything they find amusing or interesting on Facebook or Twitter, ChatWing’s chatting widget makes it effortlessly simple to share any messages posted on ChatWing. At the click of the mouse, users can seamlessly share messages on Facebook and Twitter.

Check out the video below on how ChatWing’s live chat widget works.


Looking for a Facebook chat alternative for your website? Check out ChatWing.com.


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Putting the Spotlight Back on Websites through Live Chat Widgets

May 13, 2011 Category :Live chat widget 0

It seems that with all the buzz that surrounds social media, the ones that really get all the attention are the social networking sites, not the smaller, independent sites. Yes, social networking sites such as Twitter and the ubiquitous Facebook prove to be very useful, but they hog everyone’s attention.

What about YOUR site?

Creating a Facebook page for your cooking blog, for instance, does help in gathering a significant amount of followers. Creating a Twitter profile for the same gets the conversations surrounding your niche going. These are all excellent ideas to get the word out about your website or your business.

But, what if there is another cool way of making your people actually stay within your site, hang out with a couple of friends and talk about your site’s topic? What if there’s another viable way to get visitors outside of the usual SEO campaigns and Social Media Marketing strategies?

Friends and fellow website owners, the time has come to put your small website back into the spotlight with ChatWing.com’s interactive live chat widget. With it, your visitors can and will stay longer by participating in conversations about your site’s topic.

Moreover, with ChatWing.com’s unique networking technology, your site will be linked to similar sites using ChatWing’s service, allowing your website to get some attention beyond social media and SEO.

To learn more about how you can take the spotlight back to your website, visit ChatWing.com

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Policing Your Own Onsite Live Chat Widget

May 11, 2011 Category :Live chat widget 2

Image: Nutdanai Apikhomboonwaroot / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

For most websites that are not heavily funded, or blogs that are run by regular individuals, the hard part of implementing live chat widgets onsite is policing it full-time, 24 hours, seven days a week. It obviously takes a lot of vigilance to make sure that no one in the chat room posts foul languages and that the conversation are kept in decent levels.


Spamming is also another issue that needs to be addressed when setting out to implement a live chatting tool onsite. Spamming is simply annoying, and if unchecked, a chat room riddled with spam posts could turn visitors off and they could be turned away for good.

For sites with lots of financial resources, they can easily hire someone to moderate their site’s chat rooms. However, for those who lack the funds necessary to get someone to police their onsite chat rooms, here are some tips that could help you somehow keep your site free from unwanted visitors.

Tip number 1. Use live chat solutions that has automatic filtering features. There are live chatting tools out there that automatically edit out words that are off or at least appear to be off. They also do a great job of filtering out spammers and other suspicious users.

Tip number 2. Set very specific rules. Set rules such as making it compulsory to log in with properly identified profiles. If you are using ChatWing’s live chat widget, that shouldn’t be a problem, as users can log in with their Facebook and Twitter profiles making them properly identifiable somewhat.

Also make sure to make it very clear to visitors that repeat offenders will be booted out for good.

Tip number 3. If you don’t have the financial resources to hire someone to look after your site’s chat room, pray that no one does something silly while you’re not on. Joking aside, when you’re on, go over the conversation on your website. Take note of the people posting silly stuff and have them banned from ever using your chat room.

Drop us a line for comments on ChatWing’s live chat widget. Tell us your thoughts and let us know what features you would like for us to integrate. Send your messages to [email protected].

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How a Live Chat Widget Can Become a Powerful Marketing Tool

May 10, 2011 Category :live chat websites 0

Image: photostock / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Marketing is not just about getting your message across effectively. It’s also about being able to “listen” or giving your undivided attention to what your market is trying to say about your products or services. Marketing could also mean paying very close attention to what the market wants right now.


In recent years, blogs have become a powerful business asset that allows companies to sort of “listen in” on what customers are saying about them right now. With the advent of other social media sites such as Twitter and Facebook, everyone possessed a whole new set of tools that allow them to get the word out about their business in the most efficient and most inexpensive way. Above all, businesses now have an indispensable tool that allows them to zero in on conversations that relate to their products and services from within these social media tools.

With Twitter, for example, businesses can instantly be informed in near real-time about what people are saying about them.

Similarly, live chat widgets can be used to conduct marketing intelligence from within your site. With a live chat button such as ChatWing, you can monitor what your visitors are saying about your site as they chat with each other on topics relating to your products or services.

The great thing about onsite live chat buttons is that you don’t have to go very far to figure out what people might be saying about your products, and you can get the information that you want in real-time.

To get the most out of the chat widget installed into your site, conduct an instant survey with your visitors on what they think about your site or about your products and services. Get them engaged and try to get them to talk some more about what they like about your products or what they don’t disagree about what your site is trying to convey.

This is not to imply that chat widgets will one day overthrow Facebook chat or Twitter. I personally believe that social media is here to stay. However, if fully integrated with your current social media strategies, a live chat widget could prove highly relevant and valuable to your marketing campaigns in terms of gathering mission critical information.

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