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Policing Your Own Onsite Live Chat Widget

May 11, 2011 Category :Live chat widget 2

Image: Nutdanai Apikhomboonwaroot / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

For most websites that are not heavily funded, or blogs that are run by regular individuals, the hard part of implementing live chat widgets onsite is policing it full-time, 24 hours, seven days a week. It obviously takes a lot of vigilance to make sure that no one in the chat room posts foul languages and that the conversation are kept in decent levels.


Spamming is also another issue that needs to be addressed when setting out to implement a live chatting tool onsite. Spamming is simply annoying, and if unchecked, a chat room riddled with spam posts could turn visitors off and they could be turned away for good.

For sites with lots of financial resources, they can easily hire someone to moderate their site’s chat rooms. However, for those who lack the funds necessary to get someone to police their onsite chat rooms, here are some tips that could help you somehow keep your site free from unwanted visitors.

Tip number 1. Use live chat solutions that has automatic filtering features. There are live chatting tools out there that automatically edit out words that are off or at least appear to be off. They also do a great job of filtering out spammers and other suspicious users.

Tip number 2. Set very specific rules. Set rules such as making it compulsory to log in with properly identified profiles. If you are using ChatWing’s live chat widget, that shouldn’t be a problem, as users can log in with their Facebook and Twitter profiles making them properly identifiable somewhat.

Also make sure to make it very clear to visitors that repeat offenders will be booted out for good.

Tip number 3. If you don’t have the financial resources to hire someone to look after your site’s chat room, pray that no one does something silly while you’re not on. Joking aside, when you’re on, go over the conversation on your website. Take note of the people posting silly stuff and have them banned from ever using your chat room.

Drop us a line for comments on ChatWing’s live chat widget. Tell us your thoughts and let us know what features you would like for us to integrate. Send your messages to [email protected].

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How to Truly Improve Your Site’s Bounce Rate

April 14, 2011 Category :live chat websites 0

Image: renjith krishnan / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Did you know that bounce rate is a search engine ranking factor? If your site’s bounce rate is through the roof, and I mean 60% and up through the roof, you could be in trouble as far as SEO is concerned.

What does ChatWing have to do with all this?

But first of all, what in the world is bounce rate?

According to good old Google:

“Bounce Rate: Bounce rate is the percentage of single-page visits (i.e. visits in which the person left your site from the entrance page. Bounce rate is a measure of visit quality and a high bounce rate generally indicates that site entrance (landing) pages aren’t relevant to your visitors. You can minimize Bounce Rates by tailoring landing pages to each keyword and ad that you run. Landing pages should provide the information and services that were promised in the ad copy.”

If you’re site isn’t using the right set of keywords that are relevant to your visitors, chances are, search engines would likely be led to believe that your site is stuffed. And you know what that could lead to.

For best practice SEO purposes, always, always use related keywords. You should always stay along the white hat search engine path, and…use tools that could improve your site’s bounce rate.

Now here’s where ChatWing plays a very vital role in significantly lowering your site’s bounce rate. Visitors love interactivity. Visitors love to get engaged. With a live chat tool onsite, such as ChatWing’s live chat widget, your site’s visitors will have a great reason to stay longer on your site, for as long as you keep your site’s chat room engaging.

How does lowering you bounce rate down to less than 30% sound to you?

Visit ChatWing.com today and engage your visitors more.


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