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The Meebo Alternative Connects You to More Friends

October 19, 2011 Category :Online Chatroom 0

Get a meebo alternative or a meebo chat alternative; the choice for your facebook chat alternative. With various instant messengers and social networking sites using chatting tools, you can find that you can connect with more of your friends by using the Meebo alternative.

Communication between people has changed drastically throughout the years. Humans have found creative and even exciting ways to communicate with people who are far away.

Letters and telephone conversations are still used these days but with the boom of internet, people now use tools online to communicate with others. Two of the most important communications online are sending e-mails and chatting.

Chatting tools

There are various chatting tools available online. If you check out different websites you will find that that there are many to choose from.

Some of the more popular chatting tools actually have e-mail counterparts. The Yahoo messenger for example has Yahoo mail. Gtalk or Google talk, Google’s chat application has Gmail. AIM or AOL Instant Messenger and Windows Live Messenger are also some instant messengers that allow you to chat with family and friends.

Instant messengers have now added features aside from communicating in real time. You can send animated smiley faces. Some allow you to send videos, pictures and other files. Some allow you to talk with many friends at the same time.

Social networking sites

Social networking sites also have taken advantage of chatting. That’s what most friends like to do right? When they come together they chat and have fun. In social networking sites with chatting tools, they are able to connect and chat with their friends even if they are located in a faraway place.

Take Facebook for instance. More than 750 million people from around the world use Facebook actively. There are about 130 friends for an average Facebook user. Imagine the amount of chatting going on when many of these friends would be online.

Many companies are now taking advantage of chatting. There are users that are looking for a Facebook chat alternative. Search online for some of the chatting websites and look for chatting tools that would fit your taste.

Connecting to more

Because there are many instant messengers and social networking sites, it may seem like some are still not connected with other groups. Some of your friends belong to one group and another set choose to be loyal to another instant messenger or social networking site.

You can check different websites and you can find a way to connect with your friends who belong to different groups. An example of this is the Meebo alternative.

Create an account with the Meebo alternative. When you get the instant messenger, you will also be able to see your friends in other main chatting and social networking sites. Log into this chat alternative and see your other friends in one instant messenger.

Visit www.meebo.com to learn more about how can connect all or most of your friends in one chatting tool. Check out one Facebook chat alternative by checking out Meebo chat alternative or the Meebo alternative.

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Maximize A Facebook Chat Alternative

June 20, 2011 Category :chat room for adults| chat room no registration| chat rooms for teenagers| chatango chat rooms| free chat sites no registration| live chat agents| live chat application| live chat bot| live chat button| live chat room for free| live chat solutions| live chat websites| Live chat widget| Live chatting online 0

The increasing number of chatting websites is providing users a facebook chat alternative that could even be embedded on blog and sites as a live chat widget. Considered as the most widely used social network, today, Facebook is being challenged by upcoming rival Google+. Now the playing field for chatting websites is now made more interesting by new players like Chatwing (Chatwing.com).

Chatting was the most interesting inventions ever since the internet was invented. IRC or internet relay chat was a famous form of online communication that crosses time and boundaries. Long distance telephone cost was practically reduced shaking telephone companies to re-examine their business models with the competitive internet communication.

The advent of facebook made chatting so easy that it practically made messaging system of most email companies used lesser. Given that those who are on facebook could easily see their friends online and engage them in discussions while checking updates from other friends or contacts. So that a facebook chat alternative is definitely useful given that chatting on facebook prevent users from chatting with those who are not subscribed to facebook. This concern made those free email service providers to open up their chat system to communicate with others who have different email address.

Some bloggers today benefit a lot from live chat widget that they can easily embed on their blogsites. These days one of the most important features of blog is its interactivity. So engaging your blog readers through chat would be very important to make them feel appreciated and further boost connection with them.

Most companies today operates a 24/7 call center through chat. Take for example a US-based company that offers web hosting services, their subscriber or client from Asia could easily question and clarify concerns even without placing an expensive telephone call. The company saves a lot from the expensive toll-free numbers with their chat facilities on their websites. And for customers the result is fast and immediate without going through or using telephone lines that can be so inconvenient and cumbersome.

Chatrooms are for family and friends too. Another way to save those fees spent for expensive long distance call is by way of chatting online. There is no worry of the hours spent in chatting and the quality of interaction is definitely more satisfying than the regular long distance telephone calls.

For lovers and looking for love, the chatroom has become handy as a place to keep romance alive. Private chatrooms are available to keep it as private. But there are open chatrooms to interact with others looking for love. A lot have definitely found love online through these chatrooms.

Indeed chatting has become so interesting and exciting with its ease and many uses. Not only words and emoticon are shared. Through chat even videos can be pasted as well as photos and links. The opportunity to a creative interaction is now live in chatrooms.

Whether through chatting websites or embedded as a live chat widget, there’s a facebook chat alternative for everyone’s chatting need to mazimize.


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Making Your Small Business Much more Relevant Using Live Chat Programs

May 27, 2011 Category :live chat websites 0

Image: Salvatore Vuono / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Live chat programs amazingly help to make sites more relevant. The biggest search engines, particularly Google with its “Farmer” upgrade, emphasized the significance of having websites that are extremely strongly related to visitors’ inquiries. Bounce rate, or the rate of visitors departing a website within the first few seconds after entry, is one of the crucial indications of a site’s significance.

Working with a high bounce rate, say north of 60 percent, indicates that a site may not be really tightly related to exactly what the visitors are trying to find. The easiest method to remedy this is by making sure the content is of very good quality and relevance. If the site’s main keyword is “dog training”, as an example, the page ought to very specifically discuss dog training. Developing related contents ensures that visitors stay longer as they pile throughout the content relating to their search.

An alternate way to help site visitors stay longer onsite, thus improving bounce rate drastically, is to try using good live chat programs. Live chat icons are chatting tools that can be inlayed on a website so that users can communicate with one another on topics concerning the website’s services or products.

The important thing with live chat widgets is that they allow visitors to chat in real-time. This real-time component is the reason why people interact much more. They can spontaneously speak about things which relate to the website’s topic. Say, the website is a blog the latest issues. With the recent movies such as Pirates of the Caribbean, Hangover 2 and Kung Fu Panda 2, with live chat applications in place, people could easily get involved in a lively conversation on issues relating to these blockbuster movies, or they could get involved in hot debates in real-time.

There’s not question that live chat widgets will make sites much more pertinent. However, creating relevant and good quality content should always be the priority for websites, specifically blogs. Live chat widgets could then be used to complement all endeavors to make visitors stay onsite for a longer time.


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Questions to Ask Before Integrating a Live Chat Widget

April 28, 2011 Category :live chat websites 1

Image: graur codrin / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

As with everything else, as far as integrating a utility into a website is concerned, there are certain questions to ask to see whether doing such is viable or useful.


So, let’s get right down to some of the questions that we should look into when integrating a live chat widget within any website.

Question no. 1: Is it useful?

This question is probably the most fundamental of them all. If a live chat tool has no real use for your website, then apparently there is no point in allocating a precious portion of your online real estate which you could use for something else. If your site is a forum for Internet marketing, for example, you may or may not use a chat widget. It could be pointless in this case as everyone is communicating anyway, albeit not as real-time as with a chatting tool.

In the next question, we’ll see the level of usefulness an onsite live chat tool could offer your site depending on which area your site needs improvement.

Question no. 2: Should your site use it?

If you are running a static website, whatever the niche is, and you think your site could improve in terms of visibility, traffic and bounce rate.

Question no. 3: What do you think is the real benefit of this utility to your site?

Look at your site’s analytics. If your site has a bounce rate of updwards 60%, chances are, good old Google will slap you for being not relevant to your visitors. Search engine spiders will somehow see your site as being stuffed with keywords to make it appear relevant to users. But you can’t fool them, as your bounce rate, or the rate of people visiting and then leaving within the first few seconds.

So how can a live chat widget help improve your site’s bounce rate? With a live chat tool onsite, people will want to stay on your site some more as they engage with other visitors in real-time and talk about topics relating to the site.

Find out today how ChatWing.com can help improve your site’s bounce rate and overall interactive experience.

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How to Truly Improve Your Site’s Bounce Rate

April 14, 2011 Category :live chat websites 0

Image: renjith krishnan / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Did you know that bounce rate is a search engine ranking factor? If your site’s bounce rate is through the roof, and I mean 60% and up through the roof, you could be in trouble as far as SEO is concerned.

What does ChatWing have to do with all this?

But first of all, what in the world is bounce rate?

According to good old Google:

“Bounce Rate: Bounce rate is the percentage of single-page visits (i.e. visits in which the person left your site from the entrance page. Bounce rate is a measure of visit quality and a high bounce rate generally indicates that site entrance (landing) pages aren’t relevant to your visitors. You can minimize Bounce Rates by tailoring landing pages to each keyword and ad that you run. Landing pages should provide the information and services that were promised in the ad copy.”

If you’re site isn’t using the right set of keywords that are relevant to your visitors, chances are, search engines would likely be led to believe that your site is stuffed. And you know what that could lead to.

For best practice SEO purposes, always, always use related keywords. You should always stay along the white hat search engine path, and…use tools that could improve your site’s bounce rate.

Now here’s where ChatWing plays a very vital role in significantly lowering your site’s bounce rate. Visitors love interactivity. Visitors love to get engaged. With a live chat tool onsite, such as ChatWing’s live chat widget, your site’s visitors will have a great reason to stay longer on your site, for as long as you keep your site’s chat room engaging.

How does lowering you bounce rate down to less than 30% sound to you?

Visit ChatWing.com today and engage your visitors more.


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