What’s In ChatWing for You?
April 7, 2011 Category :live chat websites 3
We at ChatWing are most excited about the prospect of making you benefit from our chat tool’s exciting features.
OK, I think I may have overshot a bit. Let me backtrack a little.
You might already have an active Social Media campaign and an aggressive SEO activity going on that let you pull in thousands of visitors every month. Great!
So why use ChatWing?
As you may already know, chat widgets are awesome interactive tools that engage your site’s visitors. Implementing an interactive tool within your site doesn’t only give your visitors a whole new web experience that they could tell their friends about (a wonderful word-of-mouth promotion for your site, by the way), but equally important is the fact that an interactive tool such as a chat widget makes your site a lot “stickier”. Your visitors will stay longer while they interact with fellow visitors, and you’ll probably fall in love with how your analytics will show you an improved bounce rate.
And did I mention how incredibly easy it is to implement ChatWing within your site? There’s absolutely nothing to it. It’s practically as easy as uploading a new photo on Twitter.
To begin using ChatWing, go to www.chatwing.com and enter the following details:
- Your site’s domain
- Your email
- Your desired chatroom name
- Your desired nickname / username
After hitting sign up, you’ll get a couple of codes to copy and paste within your site, and voila! You’ve got a nice instant chat room where your visitors can talk about the topic of your site. Also, you will be in total control of how things should run within your own ChatWing chat room.
There’s more to ChatWing that I’m sure you’ll love. Bookmark us and we’ll keep you posted on what’s new.