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Wholesale Price

Chatwing email service makes it simple to send HTML email newsletters, grow your subcribers and manage your email list.

The easiest way to create, send, share and track email newsletters online. Chatwing Email is for people who want email marketing to be simple and very affordable.

Sign up for a FREE email marketing account today!

Create Customized Themed Emails & Send in Bulk

Easy & Powerful

10000 emails
100000 emails
1000000 emails

No Monthly Fee!

No Subscriber Limit!

Only pay for what you need!

Chatwing Email Pricing Principles

Chatwing offers you a simple, pay-as-you-go pricing approach for both email marketing and SMS Text message cloud services. With Chatwing Email and Mobile Marketing solutions you pay only for the services you need, for as long as you use them and with no monthly, long-term-contracts, dependencies, complex licensing or termination fees.

Chatwing's efficient and affordable services provide flexible pricing options that are designed to help your business succeed. Whether you are a local small business or a vibrant new startup, Chatwing's pricing is designed to help you access the cloud at your own pace and pay only for the capacity you use.