Fully control your chat rooms with password protection, force login, or choose various login options to enable including Facebook, Twitter, Google, Instagram, and More!

  • Chatwing.com

    Chatwing.com is the best live chat widget and chat software for websites and blogs. Chatwing can be an alternative and online chat solution for bloggers and websites to offer live chat on sites and provide a great interactive experience for users. The free shoutbox and chat box chatwing delivers is a fully customizable live chat solution.


    Chatwing will work anywhere, on any web page and app including blogs, websites, and private communications.

  • Always Be Connected

    Stay Connected all the time no matter where you are or what your doing! Your chat room is always live and you have the ability to stay connected and chat from anywhere.


    Create your chat room and connect directly with Chatwing's Android app, use from any browser, app, and any device.


    Both Javacript and Iframe code is available for each chat room created, instantly embed on any web page or in apps.


    Fully control your chat rooms with password protection, force login, or choose various login options to enable including Facebook, Twitter, Google, Instagram, and More!

  • Chatwing.com

    Chatwing.com is the best live chat widget and chat software for websites and blogs. Chatwing can be an alternative and online chat solution for bloggers and websites to offer live chat on sites and provide a great interactive experience for users. The free shoutbox and chat box chatwing delivers is a fully customizable live chat solution.

Monday, March 31, 2014

Posted by Chat Wing
| 3:02 AM
Linkedin Login method can now be enabled for all chat rooms created in your Chatwing dashboard under "Privacy" tab. Linkedin is the 10th login option that is now available. The 10 different login methods now available within Chatwing are Facebook Google Twitter Chatwing Instagram Yahoo Linkedin Tumblr Vkontakte Guest ...

Friday, March 21, 2014

Posted by Chat Wing
| 7:58 PM
An Announcement feature is now available for each chat room in the dashboard under "Chatbox" -> "Announcements" tab.  Completely customize the announcement text including the ability to allow users to close the message and also where to display, above or below the chat messages. ...

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Posted by Chat Wing
| 10:25 PM
Many people have been asking how to display background messages for individual messages in each chat box, it is similar to displaying the same image as the entire background. You must click on each tab for that specific area for example "Admin Message Background Image" and then insert the External Background URL and click Save. You will then see that specific area of the image displayed in the preview chat. The final chatroom result may look...