• Chatwing.com

    Chatwing.com is the best live chat widget and chat software for websites and blogs. Chatwing can be an alternative and online chat solution for bloggers and websites to offer live chat on sites and provide a great interactive experience for users. The free shoutbox and chat box chatwing delivers is a fully customizable live chat solution.


    Chatwing will work anywhere, on any web page and app including blogs, websites, and private communications.

  • Always Be Connected

    Stay Connected all the time no matter where you are or what your doing! Your chat room is always live and you have the ability to stay connected and chat from anywhere.


    Create your chat room and connect directly with Chatwing's Android app, use from any browser, app, and any device.


    Both Javacript and Iframe code is available for each chat room created, instantly embed on any web page or in apps.


    Fully control your chat rooms with password protection, force login, or choose various login options to enable including Facebook, Twitter, Google, Instagram, and More!

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Posted by Chat Wing
| 5:59 PM
The world of chatting has been dominated by Chatwing’s chat app building software since its release. Firstly, the big industries took note of this awesome application including businesses for internal communication and podcasts that can run in computers and smartphone with ease. Now it is time for the general sports lovers to take note of this brilliant application and create their own fan base app regarding the teams and sports industries they love. People around the world are crazy about a variety of games. 

They really need something to communicate with fellow game lovers and express or share their opinions while building a core user base. This great mobile app builder can change the way people enjoy games. People now have the option to communicate with fellow lovers of the same game at the time when the game is running live. Yes, even Pokemon! These kinds of opportunities were rare before Chatwing came up with this awesome application. This application allows people to communicate with a single person in a group with great ease, as it allows communication within a group. 

The admins can customize the app to their specific ideas and allow open registration within the group or closed registration. This is also a great feature of the application. The user also has the opportunity to select the background color of the chatbox from a number of color choices. The user has the choice to block any person within the group if the need arises. So he or she can control the group and keep the number of people within the group in a selective manner.

We at Chatwing always try to upgrade the application based on the feedback we receive from our users, as people always feel the urge to expect something more from us. Our updates regarding this mobile app builder application are given right here.
To get started building your own white label app visit the app wizard inside your Chatwing dashboard

Try Chatwing http://chatwing.com/site/register