• Chatwing.com

    Chatwing.com is the best live chat widget and chat software for websites and blogs. Chatwing can be an alternative and online chat solution for bloggers and websites to offer live chat on sites and provide a great interactive experience for users. The free shoutbox and chat box chatwing delivers is a fully customizable live chat solution.


    Chatwing will work anywhere, on any web page and app including blogs, websites, and private communications.

  • Always Be Connected

    Stay Connected all the time no matter where you are or what your doing! Your chat room is always live and you have the ability to stay connected and chat from anywhere.


    Create your chat room and connect directly with Chatwing's Android app, use from any browser, app, and any device.


    Both Javacript and Iframe code is available for each chat room created, instantly embed on any web page or in apps.


    Fully control your chat rooms with password protection, force login, or choose various login options to enable including Facebook, Twitter, Google, Instagram, and More!

Friday, August 5, 2016

Posted by Tasker Sama
| 5:00 PM

Chatwing is the newest tool that businesses of all shapes and sizes can use to march forward to their success. Chatwing is a customizable mobile messaging platform where organizations and individuals can create their very own app in just a few clicks. They bring a revolutionary solution that can help users instantly create chat apps that can help them reap a myriad of benefits.

The following are the main advantages of maximizing Chatwing’s App Wizard:

1.Grow your audience
With your very own app, you can potentially connect your customers, partners, employees, organizations, and communities in the most organized way possible. Users can feel engaged and involved as you create one platform where they can meet, brainstorm, and get up-to-date updates about your organization’s whatabouts.

2. Drive app downloads
If your loyal followers know you have an app that has enticing features, they will download it themselves and also tell others about it.

3. A new way to communicate and build your audience
This might sound like an unconventional way to grow your audience, but that doesn’t mean it’s not effective. The new ways are usually the best ways because the lesser people following an approach, the more likely the early adopters can reap the best rewards.

4. Stream live using Google hangout or YouTube live
            It’s a fresh and convenient way to watch videos and share insights about them.

5. Earn money by selling your own advertisements or display Google AdMob ads
You can give away your app to users for free, and in turn, you can get profit from the ads that are displayed in your app.

6. Build a sustainable membership and subscription business
You can also opt to create an app that compels people to subscribe monthly or yearly. This translates to recurring and widening revenue.

7. Gather relevant insights
If you have your own app, you can use the data provided from the account system to gather insights from your audience such as iOS iPhone, iPad or Android users and retarget them with additional relevant information.

8. Display audio for on-demand listening and live streaming
This is a great avenue for radio, podcasts and even webinar and learning purposes.

9. Create dedicated video channels inside the app
You can be creative and display YouTube videos, eLearning, training or other valuable or entertaining content to keep the users engaged.

10. Integrate your social pages
This includes Facebook, Twitter, etc. While you’re gaining profit from the ads, you also have another channel to keep your audience engaged apart from communicating with them directly on Facebook and other social media sites, where you can’t earn from ads.  

The aspects above can grow your business and can help you gain what you deserve—leveraged profit and sustainable enterprise. Chatwing can be your tool to get your app venture started. Just register here to start the ball rolling.

Posted by Tasker Sama
| 5:00 AM

Every business and personality want to boost their following. There is no denying about the significance of having a wide base of followers. There are different tactics that people follow to create the largest traction and buzz. One of the most effective means to gain the trust of your audience and eventually grow them in numbers is to set up an account system where you can engage with them up close and personal.

The following are the ways an account system in the form of a mobile app can work wonders in growing your audience:

·         Communication is fast and real-time
When you have your own app that your audience can easily access without opening their browsers, you can get in touch with them in the quickest way possible.

·         Engage with your audience better
Having a platform where like-minded people flock, discuss, and participate is a healthy sign of a growing organization.

·         It delivers the notion that you mean business
Having an exclusive app for your users make them feel how willing you are to go the extra mile and create ways to keep them engaged and involved.

·         Social media buttons are integrated
By displaying the links to your social media pages in your app, you can easily let them follow you on social media and get them updated about the latest news and updates of your organization.

·         Extends your creativity
Having your own app with a specialized account system gives you the freedom to integrate engaging content in the form of videos, images, and other interactive materials that your audience can browse while they have your app installed in the smartphones. It gives you the space you need to think of personal and subtle means of keeping them close.

These are some of the meaningful ways an exclusive mobile app can help in driving more followers. If you can successfully make this work, you can also enjoy extra profits from ads. The more users you gather, the more earning opportunities for you. You also have to pay attention to the quality of your content and business model to reap the largest result. Thoroughly plan your approach in making business via app creation to ensure that you are heading towards the right direction. Follow the best practices in app marketing, so you can further multiply your advocates. 

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Posted by Tasker Sama
| 5:00 PM

Earning from ads revenue
With its flexible ad controls, excellent mediation service, and great reputation, AdMob certainly is the ideal platform to maximize in order to monetize your apps and gain big rewards via app advertising.

Choosing the right ad format
You can keep mobile ad revenue coming through the integration of interstitial, banner, or video ads into your application. There is a wide array of formats, so you have a lot of options to choose from.

·         Banner ads are displayed at the top or bottom part of the app screen, which can compel users to go on and install the apps, view the products, get directions, call a number, or follow any of your desired action. When the banner is being tapped, the in-app engagement ads can expand to full screen. AdMob’s smart banners instantly resize to suit various screen sizes as the user keeps on rotating their devices.

·         AdMob interstitials refer to full-page ads which are displayed in your application at natural transition points or breaks. A usual use case is right after a level is finished in a game. This format is made to boost the brand experience and drive app downloads.

·      The video ads, on the other hand, enable rich experiences to your app. The flexible nature of this format gives users the option to skip the video after five seconds.

Filter out ads that you do not want
You must manage the types of ads that you want to display using certain categories and ad specific filters. You also have to decide where and when the ads can be shown in your app. For instance, you’re free to block ads from general sections, like Internet, Apparel, Real Estate, or Vehicles. You can also take advantage of the Ad review center to assess individual apps before or after they get displayed in your app.

Meet advertisers using Google’s buying platforms
As you monetize your app using AdMob, you can instantly access the demand sources of Google. This covers over a million Google advertisers and a real-time bidding buyers through the DoubleClick Ad Exchange.

Earn higher CPMs
When advertisers compete just to show their ads in your app, it means a big thing for you. They can pay higher CPMs in order to get a slot in your application. This translates to bigger profit on your end. Google’s strong advertiser demand has led AdMob CPMs to increase by 200% since 2013.

Top global fill rates
With the increasing demand from various advertisers, you now have industry-leading fill rates all over the globe. This makes AdMob a great way to serve ads each time users access your app.

If you like the idea of having your own app but still don’t know how to start one, you can make use of instant app builders like Chatwing. To get started, you can register here: 

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Posted by Tasker Sama
| 5:00 AM

The power of the internet is limitless. You can communicate with anyone in this world. Today, when it comes to the digital world, there are hardly any boundaries. Social media companies need to see to it that the majority of the younger generation spends a large amount of time online whether it’s for work or recreational use. Since they use different devices (like smartphones, tablets, etc.) on a daily basis, many of them would prefer downloading apps or browsing mobile-friendly websites. For app users, you want them to experience the following benefits:
1.      Convenient and easy to use
Within just a few clicks, they’ll be able to install a mobile app in seconds. Once installed, they can place it on any page of their phone. Each time they’ll want to use it, all they have to do is click on it anytime of the day. In terms of use, it’s pretty much straightforward, and all of the options are there. Some features may include one-click calling, click-to-map and the list goes on.

2.      Encapsulated version of the company’s website
Installing an app gives users the freedom to do so much more.
With a single touch, the app can be magically opened at any time and any place. It is like a simplified version of the website because everything that needs to be accomplished can be done by using the 
app. In other words, the app can be considered as a shortcut to the company’s products and services.

3.      Customer behavior and preferences
Once installed, you can learn so much about your users based on their activities and even their whereabouts especially once their GPS location has been turned on. This particular information is considered valuable because that’s the time when you can improve all kinds of products or services that you are offering and really step up your game against your competitors within this kind of industry.

If social media companies want to increase their survival in this cyber age, they’ll need to think about considering every single trick in the book. This includes getting a diverse range of tools in order to reach their targeted audience. Several of them definitely include getting a mobile app and a mobile-friendly website in order to better cater to the needs of their clients or customers.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Posted by Tasker Sama
| 5:00 PM

The radio has come a long way since it was first introduced to the entire world. After a little more than a hundred years, it’s still active. These times are the digital age, and radio stations must keep up with the rest by going online. Some may listen to the radio for music while others listen to the news. One way any radio station can maintain their competitive edge is to design and develop their own app.

1.      Easy to use and for sheer convenience
With a good internet connection, a few taps here and there should do the trick. As long as the device still has a decent amount of battery life, it shouldn’t be a problem for listeners to tune into your radio anywhere and anytime. You can even easily teach anyone, even your grandparents, on how to listen to the radio through an app.

2.      Build up engagement with a growing population of listeners
Others may think radio is considered to be ‘old school’ channel. Why not have the best of both worlds? Having a mobile app for your radio station can work wonders. Everything can be done at your home or office. Once you step into a digital age, you’ll reach a wide range of listeners from all over the world, given you provide the right content.

3.      Enhance listeners’ experience
Listening to the radio gives an experience like no other. There is a raw and personal connection that you don’t get often from other media. All you have to do with a radio station app is click on it and tune in. It provides an advantage over websites where users might get a sensory overload being bombarded with so many things going on all at once.

4.      Explore your listeners’ profile
Knowing their likes and dislikes gives you an edge over others because you’ll be able to customize your content and decide which techniques to tap on in order to better reach out to them. Aside from that, you’ll even know at which times of the day your listeners are most active and most lethargic.

5.      Study trends and create opportunities for marketing
Use your radio station app to your advantage when it comes to promoting products or services. You can even reach your listeners especially if you’re within the area. If they happen to be listening, you could provide a win-win situation for all.

6.      Develop cost-effective market research
Instead of going all out and spending on irrelevant means, having an app means you can discover a lot about your targeted audience while sticking to a budget. Companies are looking for techniques to learn about their listeners but are not willing to spend as much especially start-up ones.

Though there are still many means of communication around, some people still prefer to listen to their favorite radio stations. By getting your app to a universal audience, you can increase your chances of being seen and heard in a large, wide scale.

Try Chatwing http://chatwing.com/site/register

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Chatwing chat room software is for websites, app developers, bloggers, and friends. Create a custom chat room and embed into any web page. Also access your rooms from the Chatwing Android App in GooglePlay