Thursday, August 4, 2016
Posted by Tasker Sama
| 5:00 PM
Earning from ads revenue
With its flexible ad controls, excellent mediation service, and great reputation, AdMob certainly is the ideal platform to maximize in order to monetize your apps and gain big rewards via app advertising.
Choosing the right ad format
You can keep mobile ad revenue coming through the integration of interstitial, banner, or video ads into your application. There is a wide array of formats, so you have a lot of options to choose from.
· Banner ads are displayed at the top or bottom part of the app screen, which can compel users to go on and install the apps, view the products, get directions, call a number, or follow any of your desired action. When the banner is being tapped, the in-app engagement ads can expand to full screen. AdMob’s smart banners instantly resize to suit various screen sizes as the user keeps on rotating their devices.
· AdMob interstitials refer to full-page ads which are displayed in your application at natural transition points or breaks. A usual use case is right after a level is finished in a game. This format is made to boost the brand experience and drive app downloads.
· The video ads, on the other hand, enable rich experiences to your app. The flexible nature of this format gives users the option to skip the video after five seconds.
Filter out ads that you do not want
You must manage the types of ads that you want to display using certain categories and ad specific filters. You also have to decide where and when the ads can be shown in your app. For instance, you’re free to block ads from general sections, like Internet, Apparel, Real Estate, or Vehicles. You can also take advantage of the Ad review center to assess individual apps before or after they get displayed in your app.
Meet advertisers using Google’s buying platforms
As you monetize your app using AdMob, you can instantly access the demand sources of Google. This covers over a million Google advertisers and a real-time bidding buyers through the DoubleClick Ad Exchange.
Earn higher CPMs
When advertisers compete just to show their ads in your app, it means a big thing for you. They can pay higher CPMs in order to get a slot in your application. This translates to bigger profit on your end. Google’s strong advertiser demand has led AdMob CPMs to increase by 200% since 2013.
Top global fill rates
With the increasing demand from various advertisers, you now have industry-leading fill rates all over the globe. This makes AdMob a great way to serve ads each time users access your app.
If you like the idea of having your own app but still don’t know how to start one, you can make use of instant app builders like Chatwing. To get started, you can register here: